What Active Ingredients Are Often Seen In Joint Chews For Dogs?
If your dog is getting older, you may have noticed that they're less mobile and a bit stiffer in their joints. This is generally due to arthritis. While there is no cure for arthritis, there are treatments that can make the symptoms less noticeable and bothersome. Many owners, at this stage, opt to start giving their dogs hip and joint dog soft chews, which are medicated treats that help keep the joints looser and more limber. So, what active ingredients do these chews tend to contain? Here are some of the most common ones.
Over the past few years, CBD has become a really common ingredient in joint chews for dogs. Although it is derived from hemp plants, it won't make dogs feel high. It can, however, reduce both inflammation and pain, which comes in really handy for managing arthritis symptoms. CBD joint chews for dogs are also mildly calming, so if your dog tends to get nervous or anxious, they're a great choice.
Chondroitin is a protein that is a major component of the cartilage that lines joints. This compound becomes diminished over time in dogs who have arthritis. Sometimes, supplementing with chondroitin can help ease arthritis pain and also keep arthritis from worsening. Chondroitin is not usually a stand-alone active ingredient in joint chews for dogs, but you'll commonly see it used in conjunction with the other ingredients on this list.
Turmeric is another natural anti-inflammatory and pain-relieving substance. It's actually a bright yellow spice. You may already have some in your cabinet. Turmeric has an active ingredient called curcurmin which is really great at relieving joint pain. So, if you see joint chews with curcurmin or turmeric, they are basically the same thing. Most dogs enjoy the mild flavor of these ingredients.
Hyaluronic Acid
Hyaluronic acid is a key component of the synovial fluid that lubricates joints. Sometimes, dogs with arthritis do not have enough of this fluid, which intensifies their symptoms. Hyaluronic acid becomes diminished with age, which can contribute to the shortage of synovial fluid. Joint chews that contain HA can therefore encourage the production of more synovial fluid, helping ease your dog's symptoms.
As you can see, there are quite a few different active ingredients to be found in joint chews for dogs. If you're not sure which one you like best, pick one and give it a try. You can always re-assess and try something different later on.